Zolpidem 10mg


Zolpidem 10mg is a potent formulation that helps you stay asleep for six to seven hours. It is a sedative-hypnotic that reduces brain agility, decreases sleep onset time to fifteen minutes, helps you stay asleep for seven to eight hours, and helps you stay active throughout the day.

Brand name: Ambien

Imprint: 10MG

Strength: 10 mg

Color: Yellow, white

SKU: Zolpidem 10mg Category:

Buy Zolpidem 10mg Online

Zolpidem  10mg is a prescription oral medication for treating sleeping issues and mild insomnia. It is sedative-hypnotic that decreases the sleep onset time to fifteen minutes. It is available both in immediate-release and extended-release tablets. It belongs to the class of drugs called hypnotics, and it works in a similar way.

It increases the GABA and helps you fall asleep; a higher dose helps you stay asleep.  It is FDA  approved medication, and it is the most prescribed medication in the US  for sleep troubles and insomnia.  It is a nonbenzodiazepine Z drug that binds at the same place as naturally occurring GABA.

Zolpidem 10mg Dosages

  • The dose of Zolpidem will differ for different patients, and it is important to follow your doctor’s directions and instructions on the label.
  • The drug’s dose will vary for insomnia treatment, and your doctor may prescribe you one tablet before bedtime.
  • The chronic use of drugs may result in intolerance. Therefore, it is important to take drugs as advised by your doctor.
  • In elderly patients, doctors may prescribe lower doses, which can cause enhanced sedation and other health issues. Always take it as per the instruction of your doctor and as advised.
  • Always start with a low dose, as it may result in addiction and drug abuse.

Zolpidem 10mg Side Effects

It may have some unwanted side effects, and these side effects are usually mild to moderate in case of  severe side effects, seek medical attention and do as advised

  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Daytime insomnolece 
  • lethargy, lack of concentration

The severe side effects of Zolpidem 10mg

  • Allergic reaction
  • Hives  and blisters 
  • Swelling on lips, throat, and cheeks
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Anxiety

Seek immediate medical attention if you see any of the above mention side effects and in case of severe side effects, seek immediate medical attention.

Zolpidem 10mg Withdrawal Symptoms

Zolpidem may have some withdrawal symptoms, which may vary depending on the drug’s use. Chronic use of drugs may result in more severe withdrawal symptoms. Here we have compiled the list of withdrawal side effects that may occur as follows:

  • Hand tremors
  • Sweating 
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea
  • Muscle stiffness

The severity of side effects may vary, and it is important to seek medical assistance as this will help you manage side effects effectively.

How To Take Zolpidem 10 mg?

  • Always take Zolpidem 10mg as your doctor advises, and do not take it during the daytime. Always take it as advised by your doctor. In addition, if you have any of side effects, seek immediate medical attention.
  • You can take it with or without food. Avoid taking it after a heavy meal, as it may slow down the absorption of the drug.
  • Take the dose as advised and in case of a missed dose, take the dose as advised.
  • In case of a missed dose, do not club the dose and take the single dose
  • Always take the dose as per the instruction of your doctor

Warnings and Precautions 

Zolpidem10mg is an FDA-approved medication, and it is safe to use for short-term use, but if you have an underlying health condition, it is important to take it as per the instruction and inform your doctor’s medical history when asked. It is not recommended to take Zolpidem 10mg.

  • If  you are allergic to Sedative hypnotics  or Zolpidem
  • If  you are struggling with  myasthenia Gravis
  • If  you have any  respiratory obstruction 
  • If  you have lung disease
  • If  you have liver OR kidney disease 
  • Do not drive or operate machinery, as doing such activity may result in serious accidents and falls.
  • If you are a breastfeeding mother, then it is vital to inform your doctor about it as it may pass into breast milk.

Zolpidem is classed as a controlled class drug, and the effect of the drug lasts for three to four hours. In addition, always take it as per your doctor’s instruction for managing insomnia and allied condition.



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